Composers Help Center

User-friendliness is very important to us at Sonolize. However, it may happen that you have a question about the use of our website.

We like to make it easy for you and have grouped the most Frequently Asked Questions below. If you can't find what you’re looking for, please send an email to our colleague Laura ( She is ready to help you

Our Houserules

Welcome to Sonolize! The online platform for composers and musicians to digitally offer and buy sheet music. If you are new to Sonolize, please take the time to get to know us.

As a platform for music writers and users, Sonolize takes intellectual property very seriously. And of course, we expect the same from you. Because we believe that the rights belong to the maker of the music, photo of the content, in short everything he or she makes.

Purchasing a score gives you the right to download one copy of that score, and to use that score for your own, non-commercial purposes, but no other rights are granted by purchasing a score. You may not perform the score in public or modify or amend the score. Please read more about the "license terms and the use of music" in our Help Center.

And if you as a composer offer sheet music or place content on your personal page, please ensure yourself that you have all the rights to this. Also, read our terms and conditions.

If you want to file a notice of alleged infringement of copyright intellectual property, make a counterclaim against a notice of copyright infringement that has been filed against you, or want to withdraw a notice of infringement that you have filed, read “Copyright Infringement of Intellectual Property” in the Help Center.

At Sonolize we make every effort to ensure that all the information and offer of relevant content which is placed on our website and for which Sonolize acts as a portal, is complete and accurate. If you find misleading or incorrect information on our website, we would like to hear from you. We will do our best to adjust or remove it as quickly as possible.

Sonolize is not responsible for any incomplete or incorrect information found through this website. And we also have no liability for the consequences of this.

Our services are subject to the terms and conditions and the privacy statement of Sonolize. Please check these out to make sure that buying sheet music sales on Sonolize suits you.

And now that you know all this, it's time to enjoy the sheet music that the composers and arrangers have put on our platform for you.

Protecting the privacy of our buyers and sellers is always important for us at Sonolize. Sonolize respects the privacy of all users of its website and ensures that the personal information that the user possibly provides to Sonolize, through the use of our services and in the electronic communications sent through or in connection with our services, is always being treated confidential and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR / AVG).

How we have arranged this is stated in our privacy statement. It describes the types of information that we may collect from you when you access our website,, or interact with us and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting and disclosing that information.

This policy is effective from the 1st September 2019. By using our website or subscribing to our newsletter you consent to this policy.

The general terms and conditions of Sonolize apply to our services. Check it out to make sure that buying or selling sheet music on Sonolize suits your needs.

These Sonolize terms and conditions (“terms”) describe the relationship between you as a user of the Sonolize platform and Sonolize and contain the terms and conditions applicable to your access and use of the Sonolize Platform and your purchase and/or sale of Sheet Music. Your acceptance of these terms constitutes a legally binding agreement between you and Sonolize. By accepting these terms, you represent and warrant having the authority to enter into these terms with Sonolize, and agree to be bound by its terms

As a platform for music writers and users, Sonolize takes intellectual property very seriously. And of course, we expect the same from you. Because we believe that the rights belong to the maker of the music, photo of the content, in short everything he or she makes.

At Sonolize we make every effort to ensure that all the information and offer of relevant content which is placed on our website and for which Sonolize acts as a portal, is complete and accurate. We comply with intellectual property laws to maintain the integrity of our creative platform. Read our general terms and conditions for this. If you find misleading of incorrect information on our website, we would like to hear from you. We will do our best to adjust or remove it as quickly as possible.

Sonolize is not responsible for any incomplete of incorrect information found through this website. And we also have no liability for the consequences of this.

If you want to file a notice of alleged infringement of copyright intellectual property, make a counterclaim against a notice of copyright infringement that has been filed against you, or want to withdraw a notice of infringement that you have filed, read our “Copyright Infringement of Intellectual Property”.

As a platform for music writers and users, Sonolize takes intellectual property very seriously. And of course we expect that from you too. Because we believe that the intellectual property rights belong to the copyright holder of the music, photo or content.

Purchasing or downloading a score gives you no right to record this work or perform it in public. In this case you need to obtain permission in writing from the copyright holder. To that end, you can contact the copyright holder. In certain cases, composers, arrangers, copywriters and performing artists are affiliated with a performance rights organization (as in Netherlands Buma/Stemra and Sena). The consumer or performer of the music supplied is obliged to report the public use of products of the copyright holder (such as recordings or concerts) both to the relevant organization(s) and to the copyright holder.

It is not allowed to modify or amend the products, including but not limited to music downloads and sheet music in whole or in part, print or otherwise reproduce in any manner or disclose, to swap, forward, or to pass to third parties, without the prior written permission of all copyright holders.
No products or material may in any way be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, arranged, remixed, posted, publicly displayed, combined with images encoded, translated, transmitted or distributed (including through "mirroring") to any other computer, server, website or any other medium for publication or distribution or for any commercial purpose without written consent of the copyright holder.

Please read also terms and conditions.


User-friendliness is very important to us at Sonolize. However, it may happen that you have a question about Sonolize pf the use of our website.

We like to make it easy for you and have answered the most frequently asked questions in our Composers Help Center. If you can't find what you’re looking for, please send an email to our colleague Laura ( Or use the contact form which you can find at the top of the website under 'contact'. She is ready to help you.

Graafseweg 196-A,
5213AP ’s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands

Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number 73697907

If you want to stimulate the sale of your sheet music on Sonolize or announce important performances, it might be an idea to use social media. You can use your own social media channels for this, but you can also use the Sonolize company pages. 

Sonolize on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
Sonolize is a platform for, but above all, by composers. You can create a stage for your music and at the same time help develop Sonolize into THE place where composers offer and sell their sheet music digitally. How? By following us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.

We do post two to three messages every week with news, music, and new composers on our socialmedia. To reach orchestras, conductors, composers, and individual players. “Everything that gets attention grows” and together we create a stage for your music, and we all get more brand awareness. And with that a big audience to buy the sheet music at the Sonolize platform.

Your own social media channels
Which channel you use in social media is different for everyone. Below we give a few ideas about that.

If you attach great importance to personal contact, Facebook is ideal for sharing news, blogs, performances and reaching a wide audience (although you can use Instagram better for a young audience).
On Facebook you can build relationships with people who already know you and your music, because you can have a good conversation with each other. Because many people are already on Facebook every day, it is an ideal channel to keep your fans and customers informed.

Instagram is very visually oriented, so use photos of yourself or your performances. It is very suitable for campaigns, promotion, activities and reaching a young audience.

You can link to videos of your performances at your own profile page on Sonolize. Also use YouTube to post your inspiration vlogs and refer to Sonolize as the place where people can purchase your sheet music.

Soundcloud was originally intended as a platform for sharing music with each other. You can upload your own music and put a link on Sonolize so that users can listen to the music before they purchase your sheet music. Soundcloud is very popular among beginning musicians who like to promote their music.

Twitter is ideally suited for short texts about your music, upcoming performances or that you have placed your new sheet music on Sonolize and also for quick interaction with fans and customers.

LinkedIn is and remains a suitable medium for business purposes. Many of your colleagues can be found on LinkedIn. It is a good channel to inform people about your music, upcoming performances or that you have placed your new sheet music on Sonolize.

We would like to keep you informed of our latest news, blogs, promotions and composers who join us. Because we do not want to pollute your mailbox too much, we only mail you about 4 times a year.

By entering your e-mail address at the bottom of the website under "sign up for our newsletter" you give Sonolize permission to send our newsletter.

At the bottom of every newsletter, there is a link to unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our newsletter.

Your account

Do you want to join us and sell your sheet music through Sonolize? Welcome! Take the time to get to know us. View our terms and conditions and privacy statement to be sure that Sonolize suits you. Registration is free. Once you have a Sonolize account, you can:

  • set up your own shop;
  • offer your music for sale;
  • and view your sales figures.

Creating your account as a composer is easy. Just register your Sonolize composers account, add your personal profile page and sell your music. View and manage your data on your personal dashboard. Start creating your account as a composer:

Step 1: click on 'Sign in' at the top of the page;
Step 2: go to the right to 'sign in – composer’ if you want to sell music;
Step 3: click on the blue button ‘sign in' - or ‘register a new account’;
Step 4: complete the form;

We recommend that you choose your full name as your username, which makes it easier for musicians to find you on Sonolize.
Notice: Your full name cannot be a company name, but it can be your first name, initials or artist name that you actually use.

Step 5: check your e-mail and confirm your registration;

You will receive an email from within a few minutes. Click on the button in the mail to confirm your account.

If you do not see the confirmation e-mail, check whether it has ended up in your spam or junk folder. Add to your e-mail contacts.

Step 6: Welcome to Sonolize! Now Sign in at as a composer and complete your information;

Step 7: Because we don't want incomplete profiles or profiles without music compositions on our platform is your profile now still inactive and not published on the Sonolize platform. Which means it is not yet visible to our customers looking for sheet music. 

When working on your profile, clicking 'save' is enough to save any changes. And once your personal details and profile are complete, including biography and photos and you're ready to upload your first compositions, let us know by clicking 'publish'. We will do a final check for quality and completeness and publish your profile. You can then start uploading your music. 

Welcome to Sonolize!

When opening your account, you will be asked to upload photos.

They may be black and white or color photographs. Make sure they are not too large, maximum 3 mb, otherwise your biography page will load too slowly.

  • Profile picture is used as a profile photo on your biography page. Use a square photo, preferably 255 x 255 pixels;
  • Music picture is only used as the background for your music pieces on the website. Use a rectangle, landscape photo, preferably 513 x 287 pixels. Consider using your profile photo for your music picture as well, as most of our composers do. But with a rectangular cut. This photo is automatically provided by Sonolize with a color filter that matches the music category;
  • Banner picture is used as the top photo on your own biography page. Use a rectangle, landscape photo, preferably 1440 x 539 pixels. You can fix the photo at a position (left, right or central), for other monitor and screen sizes.

Note: Keep in mind the copyright and intellectual property of the photo. For example, you cannot just search for a photo on Google and use it, the photo must be free of copyrights. We reserve the right to remove it if the content violates our rules. Please read our "terms and conditions" and "copyright or intellectual property infringement" for this.

You can upload the photo from your computer with the "Local image" button. You can then adjust these within the frame to fit properly.

Of course, you can always replace your photos in your profile in the future. The music pieces automatically receive the new photo, but that can sometimes take some time.

If you have registered as a composer but want to change your account details later, follow these steps:

  1. log in;
  2. click on "Account";
  3. click on "Personal settings";
  4. enter your changes;
  5. click on 'Save'.

Note: Unfortunately, your username cannot be changed except in the case of documented legal steps (such as infringement of a brand name), and this is reserved for Sonolize.

If you want to adjust the text of your biography, follow these steps

  1. click right on the symbol with the pen;
  2. adjust your text;
  3. click on 'Save'.

Note: If you copy text from a word processor such as MS Word, the layout may change. It is better to type in directly on our website or to copy it as "plain text" via a text editor.

We recommend that you regularly change your password for security reasons. If you change your password, follow these steps”

If you are already logged in to your account:

  1. click on "Account";
  2. click on "Change password";
  3. enter your changes.


If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password:

  1. click on "Log in";
  2. click on "Forgot password";
  3. enter your e-mail address that is known to Sonolize;
  4. click on "Reset password";
  5. you will receive an email with a link to reset your password. If you click on this link, you will be sent back to Sonolize where you can set a new password for your account.

If you have not received the email to reset your password:

  1. check your spam / junk folder;
  2. Ii you still cannot find the email, add to your address book or secure list and try again.

Of course, we hope that you continue to offer your sheet music on Sonolize and see the many benefits of our platform. And we would be very sorry if you no longer want to be part of the Sonolize platform and would like to delete your account.

If you would like to delete your account and therefore also delete your music, please send us an email via We will contact you as soon as possible about how we will remove your music. This can take a while because there may still be orders open that have not yet been downloaded by its purchaser.

Note: By closing your account, your e-mail address and username will not be released for reuse with a new account.

As a platform for music writers and users, Sonolize takes intellectual property very seriously. And of course, we expect the same from you. Because we believe that the rights belong to the maker of the sheet music, music, photo of the content, in short everything he or she makes. So if you as a composer offer sheet music or place content on your personal page, please ensure yourself that you have all the rights to this.

In our terms and conditions and the article "Copyright or Intellectual Property Infringement" in our Composers Help Center you can read that Sonolize always assumes that the composers and arrangers have all IP rights to the sheet music offered and the information on their personal pages. condition, such as photos. We don't check that. Sonolize is not responsible for any incomplete or incorrect information found through this website. And we do not accept any liability for the consequences of this.

If we receive a correct notice of infringement of intellectual property, we will remove or deactivate access to the material that is allegedly infringed.
Sonolize then makes a reasonable attempt to contact you, the alleged infringing party, provide information about the notification and removal, and in cases of alleged copyright infringement, information about a notice of counterclaim will also be provided.

We advise you, as an alleged infringing party, to contact the party making the intellectual property infringement notification and resolve this matter mutually. Sonolize is not a party to this and does not accept any liability for the consequences thereof.
Only when we are informed by both parties in writing or by e-mail that the conflict has been resolved, by means of a signed statement, can we restore access to the deactivated or deleted material.

Repeated infringement
Sonolize terminates the account rights of composers on our website against whom repeated notices of infringement of intellectual property are submitted under appropriate conditions and at Sonolize's discretion. We always inform the composer about this in writing or by email.

If you are unable to sign in unexpectedly, you can do the following:

  • check if you are using the correct username and check for typing errors? Or;
  • try resetting your password, or;
  • try it with a different browser. If you use a outdated browser, you may experience problems viewing some websites. We recommend that you always keep your browser up to date, or;
  • maybe you don't have an account yet. Read how to create an account.

If you continue to have problems, please contact Sonolize.

You can post messages on your own personal profile page and thereby advertise your performances, new music, and also add blogs about your experiences as a composer.

And if you want to stimulate the sale of your sheet music on Sonolize or announce important performances, it might be an idea to link these messages to social media. That way people know how to find your music better. You can use your own social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, but you can also use the Sonolize company pages on Facebook.

Click on "my news" in your dashboard at the top and follow the steps below:

  1. click on 'Add';
  2. choose a short and catchy title (maximum of 45 characters);
  3. make a short introduction text (maximum 120 characters);
  4. choose your publish date;
  5. add your message text under "body";
  6. at the bottom, choose one of the images that you think suits your message best;
  7. press 'Save', and voilà your news item is at the bottom of your personal profile page. 


  • Don't make your message or blog too long, otherwise, readers will drop out quickly.
  • The easiest way is to type in the text directly. If you copy text from a word processor such as MS Word, the layout may change. It is better to type directly on our website or to copy as plain text through the help of a ‘text editor’.
  • You can still change the content of a message later, by clicking on the blue pin or delete it.

Sell your music

Welcome to Sonolize!

If you are new to Sonolize, take the time to get to know us. View our terms and conditions to be sure that Sonolize suits you.

Create an account
Ready to create an account? You can read how that works in our Composers Help Center. You use this account for your personal profile page and to sell your music through Sonolize. You can overview and manage your data on your personal dashboard.

Upload Sheet Music
Uploading is a simple step-by-step process. You start by filling in information about your work. In addition to "instrumentation" and "genre" you can also add special search terms that tell something about your piece of music, such as instruments that do not appear under our "instrumentation" heading, a specific theme, or other features that are characteristic of your work.

Then upload your music piece as a PDF and determine your own price. Sonolize automatically generates a cover page with the title and your name and a follow-up page with instrumentation and the program notes that you have specified. 
Optionally you can upload a midifile or mp4 and add a link to "Soundcloud" or "YouTube" where your music is performed. But, do take copyright and intellectual property into account here.

Save your sheet music now. Congratulations, your music is online! For a more detailed instruction, please read 'Upload sheet music' in the help center.

Your first sale
The sales process runs entirely without any worry for you. When your item is sold, payment goes through Sonolize. You can see exactly what has been sold in your dashboard.

And as agreed, we will pay you 65% of the selling price. Once a month you will receive an invoice from us and we will transfer that to you, provided that the total amount exceeds € 25. Otherwise, we save it until the next month that we are above that amount.

On your account page you can enter your bank account details. We prefer payment through an IBAN bank code, we won’t charge you any costs for that. 
If you prefer to get your payment through PayPal, we will charge a percentage of 4% of the total amount to cover our costs.
Please contact us by email about the PayPal payment details.

If you want to have your music checked by a professional engraver before you put it online, we can help you with that. Read how it works in our Composer Help Center.

Blogs, News items and Social media
You can advertise on your own profile page for performances, new music, but also add blogs.
And if you want to boost your sales or want to announce performances, it might be an idea to use social media. You can use your own social media channels for this, such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, but you can also use the Sonolize pages.
Read more in our Composers Help Center

Go to "Music pieces" in your dashboard and click on "add" at the top right and choose whether you want to add music for “individual players” or “ensembles and orchestras”. Then you enter the requested information for each piece of music. Uploading is a simple 10-step process. If you still have questions, mail us at

As a platform for music writers and users, Sonolize takes intellectual property very seriously. And of course we expect that from you too. Be sure you have all the rights of the music you want to upload.

Step 1. Of course you start with "title" with the name of the piece of music. English has been chosen as the working language on our platform. Therefore, please fill in the title in English. Do you also want it in another language? Then click on 'your own language' and fill in your details there as well.

Step 2. Enter your name as a composer, you can also do that with the pull-down menu. If you are not the composer yourself, but have arranged the piece of music, click the name of the composer in the pull-down menu and if it is not there, add it. To do this, first enter the composer's last name, then a comma and then the first name, for example "Bach, Johann Sebastian". And put a checkmark at arranger. This indicates that you are the arranger.

Step 3. Then choose the most suitable category from the "Genres" selection menu. If your genre is not listed, add a new genre. Sonolize will assess these and add them. If this is not approved, we will contact you.
then choose the most suitable category from the selection menu under "instrumentations". If your instrumentation is not listed here, add it also at the discretion of Sonolize. If there is a soloist in the ensemble, click on 'With soloist' under the relevant instrumentation and then choose the correct instrumentation from the extra soloist list.

Step 4. Music lovers like a clear description. And because the "free description" is the first thing your buyer sees with your music, it is best to make it as short as possible. Preferably state the instrumentation and a genre. For example “Concert piece with harp” or “Pasodoble for concert band”. And also here always in English and if you like also in your own language. This free description will be visible in the search results in the shop.

Step 5. Under "Program Notes" you can enter the description. And also here always in English and if you like also in your own language. The text of this is also included in the search engine, so if you want to emphasise certain themes or instruments, you can do that here too.

Step 6. Next, enter the "length", "grade" and the "year" of issue. Concerning the grades this overview might help you a bit:

  • Level 1 is for the beginner;
  • Level 2 is for the player who is playing for a year or two;
  • Level 3 is for a medium amateurs;
  • Level 4 is a good amateur;
  • Level 5 is for the very good amateur (first semester students conservatory for instance);
  • Level 6 is for the professional.

Step 7. You can now upload a maximum of three MP3 or midi files under "sound file". People love to hear what you have made. Because fair is fair, not everyone can read a score or listen through a somewhat lesser recording. So always try to include a good recording. Still a midi? Consider a program such as noteperformer or another VST Plugin supplier to upgrade your midi. Do you only have a YouTube link? With a video editing program you can easily abstract an audio track from this.

Step 8. Now determine your own price for the score and if needed the score + parts for ensemble and orchestra music. To help you know what price you could ask, read "How do I determine the price of my sheet music" in our Composers Help Center. The minimum price that we use for a score is € 4.-. Bundle any small works into one album.

Step 9. Now continue to upload your sheet music. Always upload your music as a PDF text document, preferably directly from your music notation program. A PDF made from a photo gives a less professional look with often yellow shaded areas.

Click on "choose file" and a menu window will open with the folder structure of your computer. Choose which file you want to add. You can only add your music as a PDF file. We will automatically generate a cover page with the title and your name and a follow-up page with the instrumentation and the program notes that you have specified. At the bottom of these pages your name and "Brought to you by Sonolize" will be printed. We try to prevent unauthorized distribution as much as possible.

If you also want to add parts per instrument, you can "drag" them to this block, they will be uploaded automatically. But you also can search in your own computer folder.

Step 10. You have the option to add one link under "Soundcloud" and three "YouTube" links with your music. Please do take copyright and intellectual property into account here.

Always check what it looks like on the buyer's side, the “green” side. The other side is not always greener than you think. A game or upload error quickly crept in. Check if all uploads of the score were successful and the links to audio or video work. If you still have questions, mail us at

At Sonolize we like to be transparent in what we offer. And that is quality. But let's be honest, even at Sonolize there are composers who stand out. Composers who pay extra attention to their scores and with an eye for detail. Especially for the compositions that have received such attention there is now 'Our Choice'. This label tells the buyer, without giving an opinion about the composition, that it is particularly well engraved.

Conditions for the Our Choice label.

  • Our Choice is a label, not a hallmark. 
  • The Our Choice label cannot be bought. It is assigned by Sonolize.
  • Our Choice represents a professional lay-out and engraving of the scores and parts. It ensures readability and playability.
  • Our Choice is not about artistry. 
  • Our Choice is labeled to a composition, not to a composer.
  • Sonolize gives advice to the buyer how to print, what paper to use, etc.
  • Sonolize cannot be held accountable for the assigning or withholding of the Our Choice label. 
  • No rights can be derived from the assignment of the label.

When uploading your music you will be asked if you want to be considered for the label. You request the label by sending an email to, with reference to the relevant piece of music. When the piece of music is uploaded to the platform, we check whether it meets the requirements below. If so, we assign the label and you will automatically see the label next to your piece of music. If you want to apply for the Our Choice label, your music must meet the following requirements:

1. All scores have a frontpage with the following:

  • General information
    • Titles and subtitles
    • Program notes
    • Orchestra/ensemble form or instrument
    • Length of the composition
    • Difficulty
    • Copyrights
    • Please notate recordings if available
  • In case of ensembles and orchestra’s an instrumentation list with additional transposed parts for wind bands in Bb/C/F/Eb for Horn, trombones and tubas.
  • A Biography of the composer with photo.
  • If necessary, an instruction list for the performance of the composition.

2. Our Choice represents a professional lay-out and engraving of the scores and parts. 

  • The notes don’t collide with text or other musical markings.
  • The parts and the score are not too small or too big to read properly.
  • Consideration has been given to the page turns so that they are convenient for the player. (For example, in a piano part there are no new pages with just one or two systems.)
  • Texts are conceptual so adjusted in the whole presentation of the composition and without language errors. 
  • In case of educational music for piano and guitar the fingering is indicated.

After you have signed in at your account your personal dashboard will be opened with an overview of your sales data. On the other pages of your dashboard you can enter or change your personal data or biography, add your music, post your news items or blogs and find a general overview of all orders.

If you have any questions about this, you also can take a look above the different pages of your dashboard.

Of course, you are free to determine the price for your piece of sheet music. The price you determine is always including VAT. We do use a minimum price for a score of € 4,-, bundle possibly small works into one album.

Because at Sonolize you get paid 65% of the sale price, the price you set may be lower than it would be with regular publishers. Simply because you get paid more.

To help you get started, we have made an overview with target prices. But again, feel free to deviate from that.

The sales process runs entirely without any worry for you. If your sheet music is sold, the payment will always go through Sonolize. You can see exactly what has been sold in your dashboard. And at “music pieces” you can also see your sales information for each individual piece of music. At "orders" you can also see the date your music has been sold and from which country the buyer comes.

As agreed, we will pay you 65% of the selling price. Once a month we pay that to you, provided that the total amount is higher than € 25. Otherwise we save it until the next month that we are above that amount. You are responsible for paying the VAT and income tax on this, in the country where you are located.
Choose how you get paid.
On your account page, you can enter your bank account details to which we pay the amount. If possible, through IBAN bank account number. We will not charge you for this. However, if you prefer to work with PayPal, we charge a percentage of 4% of the total amount.

If you have written a composition or arrangement, of course you want it to look professional and any errors removed. Sonolize can help you with editing your work by having a professional engraver look at your work, before you upload it to your sales page.

All you have to do is mail your work, made in Finale or Sibilius (as a .mus or .sib format), to and she will take care of the rest. We will then send you the corrected version so that you can place it whenever you want.

The costs for this are € 6,- per page for a score, and € 0,75 per page for a part. One of our professional engravers will edit your work. Because we do this for several composers and arrangers, we can offer you a competitive price.
With exceptionally complicated scores or parts (film music or symphonies etc.) the costs may differ. We will always contact you about this in advance.


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