Symfonie no. 1
Leander Schoormans
Artikelnummer SON00000212
Componist Leander Schoormans
Duur 23:30 min
Genre Klassiek, Symfonie
Instrumentatie Symfonieorkest
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Symfonie no. 1

Symfonie no. 1

Artikelnummer SON00000212
Componist Leander Schoormans
Genre Klassiek
Instrumentatie Symfonieorkest
Vrije omschrijving Symphony no 1 for symphony orchestra
Moeilijkheidsgraad 4
Duur 23:30 min
Jaar 2020

Score + Parts

€ 175,00


€ 45,00

Program Notes

Symphony no 1 for symphony orchestra

The first symphonic work of Schoormans, where he put five old Dutch folk songs in a new guise to write his own variations on them. Every part has his own different character and the composer tries to shape the atmosphere with the instrumentation.
I - Alla marcietta buffa (Reuzenlied / 't Ros Beiaard) A piece with two themes, written in sonata form. The first piece is about giants when the bell tolls. The second piece is about the competition between two carillons (Dendermonde & Aalst). 
II - Molto scherzando e più misterioso (Heer Halewijn) This piece has two main sections. The first section is an introduction to the melody Heer Halewijn, about an otherworldly figure who desires a fertility sacrifice. On the end of the song he is beheaded and then starts the second section where everyone tells about Halewijn whilst eating his own flesh. 
III - Andante, pastorale (Ik zag Cecilia komen) This song tells about the love tale where Floriaen, the shepherd meets a girl named Cecilia. 
IV -  Tema con variazioni This piece contains a very slow introduction. Every variation is another profession that is the song about. 

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