Introduction and Fugue in d-minor
Nikolaï Clavier
Artikelnummer SON00000975
Componist Nikolaï Clavier
Duur 05:39 min
Genre Klassiek
Instrumentatie Viool en piano
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Introduction and Fugue in d-minor

Introduction and Fugue in d-minor

Artikelnummer SON00000975
Componist Nikolaï Clavier
Genre Klassiek
Instrumentatie Viool en piano
Vrije omschrijving Introduction and Fugue in d-minor for piano and violin
Moeilijkheidsgraad 6
Duur 05:39 min
Jaar 2013


€ 20,00

Program Notes

Introduction and Fugue in d-minor for piano and violin

The piece was originally composed in 2013 for violinist Minh Thien Nguyen and pianist Andreas Taklo.

It was nominated in the Simply Stunning composer competition in 2015.

The piece is a neo-romantic polyphonic short piece of two movements, featuring traditional fuge technique as well as 21st century harmonies. 

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