A foggy day in my home town
Marion Mulders
Artikelnummer SON00000642
Componist Marion Mulders
Duur 02:07 min
Genre Licht klassiek
Instrumentatie Piano
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A foggy day in my home town

A foggy day in my home town

Artikelnummer SON00000642
Componist Marion Mulders
Genre Licht klassiek
Instrumentatie Piano
Vrije omschrijving Piano solo
Moeilijkheidsgraad 4
Duur 02:07 min
Jaar 1975


€ 4,00

Program Notes

Piano solo

A very nice, short, semi classical piece for piano solo,

written (obviously hah) during a foggy spell...

That was a long time ago, when I was young....;

The mp3 is a converted midi file, and as midi files go, very harsh and no timing at all in it. sorry. I am sure you will help make the piece come alive with your personal touch and timing! have fun!


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