Motetti de la Corona (2020)
Colin Eatock
Artikelnummer SON00002301
Componist Colin Eatock
Duur 13:00 min
Genre Klassiek, Koraal
Instrumentatie Koor en vocaal ensemble
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Motetti de la Corona (2020)

Motetti de la Corona (2020)

Artikelnummer SON00002301
Componist Colin Eatock
Genre Klassiek
Instrumentatie Koor en vocaal ensemble
Vrije omschrijving For a-cappella SATB choir
Moeilijkheidsgraad 6
Duur 13:00 min
Jaar 2020


€ 5,00

Program Notes

For a-cappella SATB choir

I: Ecce Maria; II: Christum ducem; III: Sancta Trinitas; IV: Ave Maria; V: De profundis

The composer writes: When the word “corona” entered daily use in the year 2020, I recalled the Motetti de la Corona: a book of popular motets published by Ottaviano Petrucci in Italy, in 1514. The volume contained part-songs with sacred texts in Latin, written by the leading composers of the day, including Josquin, Mouton, De Févin and others. The publication was popular, and Petrucci went on to publish another four books of motets under the same name.

Three of my own Motetti de la Corona are settings of texts excerpted from Petrucci’s publication: “Ecce Maria,” “Christum ducem” and “Sancta Trinitas.” The “Ave Maria” draws on the Book of St. Luke for its text. And “De profundis” (Psalm 129 or 130, depending on the numbering system used) has been set to music by many composers, from Josquin to Pärt. Its cry for help seemed an appropriate response to a time of global pandemic.


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