Voyage for Trumpet and Piano
David Anne
Artikelnummer SON00001825
Componist David Anne
Duur 02:20 min
Genre Klassiek, Licht klassiek, Kinder concert, Concertwerk, Contemporary, Solowerk
Instrumentatie Trompet (Kornet, piccolo trompet)
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Voyage for Trumpet and Piano

Voyage for Trumpet and Piano

Artikelnummer SON00001825
Componist David Anne
Genre Klassiek
Licht klassiek
Kinder concert
Instrumentatie Trompet (Kornet, piccolo trompet)
Vrije omschrijving a new easy/medium grade concert piece for trumpet and piano
Moeilijkheidsgraad 3
Duur 02:20 min
Jaar 2023


€ 8,00

Program Notes

a new easy/medium grade concert piece for trumpet and piano

In Voyage the solo trumpet and the piano go on a short musical journey through a colourful landscape.

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