Artikelnummer | SON00001685 |
Componist | Gijs van Dijk |
Duur | 13:35 min |
Genre | Concertwerk, Contemporary, Kamermuziek |
Instrumentatie | Saxofoon ensemble |

Offert par Sonolize, Ofrecido por Sonolize, Oanbean troch Sonolize.

Saxophone Quartet No 3
Artikelnummer | SON00001685 |
Componist | Gijs van Dijk |
Arrangeur | |
Genre | Concertwerk Contemporary Kamermuziek |
Instrumentatie | Saxofoon ensemble |
Vrije omschrijving | Saxophone Quartet No 3 - Rendering 35 |
Moeilijkheidsgraad | 6 |
Duur | 13:35 min |
Jaar | 2015 |
Program Notes
Saxophone Quartet No 3 - Rendering 35
Saxophone Quartet No 3 was composed for the “Bron Saxophone Quartet” and it had its premiere at the exam presentation of one of the members. Later I felt that the middle part needed a bit more development.
That is why I have inserted an adagio for this publication,
that I composed for a larger saxophone ensemble.
Despite being at a distance from a traditional tonal composition,
this work is, in my opinion, a fairly accessible composition,
with its contours and phrasing that seem akin to a classical style.
There are various movements that must be played without a break. all quasi attacca.
Optionally, as an encore for Saxophone Quartet no. 3, the work First Spring Light for saxophone quartet can be played.