Songs of Khayyam
Henk Stoeten
Artikelnummer SON00001525
Componist Henk Stoeten
Duur 12:09 min
Genre Koraal
Instrumentatie Koor en vocaal ensemble
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Songs of Khayyam

Songs of Khayyam

Artikelnummer SON00001525
Componist Henk Stoeten
Genre Koraal
Instrumentatie Koor en vocaal ensemble
Vrije omschrijving 5part cycle on poetry by Omar Khayyam
Moeilijkheidsgraad 4
Duur 12:09 min
Jaar 2021


€ 60,00

Program Notes

5part cycle on poetry by Omar Khayyam

This clay pot like a lover once in heat
A lock of hair his senses did defeat
The handle that has made the bottleneck its own seat
Was once the embrace of a lover that entreat

Khayyam, if you are intoxicated with wine, enjoy!
If you are seated with a lover of thine, enjoy!
In the end, the Void the whole world employ
Imagine thou art not, while waiting in line, enjoy!

The secrets eternal neither you know nor I
And answers to the riddle neither you know nor I
Behind the veil there is much talk about us, why
When the veil falls, neither you remain nor I.

At dawn came a calling from the tavern
Hark drunken mad man of the cavern
Arise; let us fill with wine one more turn
Before destiny fills our cup, our urn.

The grass that grows by every stream
Like angelic smiles faintly gleam
Step gently, cause it not to scream
For it has grown from a lover's dream.

Once upon a time, in a potter's shop
I saw two thousand clay pot and cup
Suddenly a lone pot cried out, "stop!
Where the vendor, buyer, where my prop?"

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